Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Rich and Wealthy.

Rich and wealthy is different.

Whats the different?

Cristiano Ronaldo is rich, the guy that sign his paycheck is wealthy.

I'm not talking rich, I'm talking about wealthy.

I'm not talking about Beckham, I'm talking about Bill Gates.

If Bill Gates wakes up one day with Beckham money, he will kill himself.

I'm not talking about rich, I'm talking about wealthy.

Wealth will set us free, it's like the cheat code that can lift a community from proverty.

I'm not talking abour rich, I'm talking about wealthy.

Wealth his pass down form generation to generation

Rich can loss money in one bad day.

I'm not talking about rich, I'm talking about wealthy.

If Chinese people get wealthy, they will built a big muthafucka mall and get his friends wealthy.

If Malays get wealthy, they buy sport rims. We will put rims in any freaking car we can find. Hell we will get rid of kuali and start cooking in rims if we can.

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